
Okay…Enough Bad Stuff…Here Are 10 Things That Are Going Right!

I got an email last week with a link to Kiplinger's 10 Things That Are Going Right. Their 10 things along with my thoughts…

1. Oil Loses Its Swagger - prices are down, but I think this is temporary.

2. A Tipping Point for the Auto Industry

3. Interest Rates Are Low and Headed Lower - yeah but will you be able to get credit?

4. Homes Are More Affordable - this is very true!

5. Your Bank Savings Have Never Been Safer -yeah as long as the FDIC can afford to pay!

6. Stocks Are on Sale, and Many Bonds Offer Terrific Yields - can't argue with this one except to say that they could still go lower.

7. The Miracle of Technological Innovation Continues

8. Prosperity Reigns in the Heartland

9. A New Tone and Direction in Washington - no comment…

10. Shoppers Can Expect Great Gift Buys This Holiday Season - true if you can afford to buy gifts.

Anyway, head over to Kiplinger's and read their complete list and their thoughts. It's true that some things are actually going right even with all the turmoil going on around us. I guess it doesn't hurt to focus on the good (even if some of them are a stretch).


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